June 30, 2011
Kilmani - The VIP Legacy Begins
Another highlight came during our tour of the library and media room. Previous to our arrival, students used two laptops that FFT and the Henderson community provided last year to access the internet. However during our visit, we were able to assess some previously donated machines and develop a plan to revitalize their computer lab. We discovered that with updates and networking, the majority of the machines will have internet access. This will allow multiple students to engage in computer learning activities simultaneously as a result of VIP – The Legacy.
We joyfully ended the day by visiting the Henderson and Kilimani candlenut trees. As VIP has strengthened and grown over the past year, so have the candlenut trees. We planted them a year ago as seedlings and already they are taller than us. It was a beautifully symbolic way to begin our time at Kilimani and it left us all feeling encouraged for the work ahead.
Rested and Ready to Begin!
Our first day we tried our best to adjust to the new time, new climate, new elevation, and new tropical ecosystem! We rested and ran essential errands – getting a phone line, exchanging money, grocery shopping, and preparing for the days ahead. We made a special “American Melting Pot Surprise” dinner for our host family, complete with Chinese stir fry, Turkish meatballs, French seared snapper, Indian rice, and a special Kenyan wine. You can tell from the photos that it was quite a festive ordeal. Ellen, JoAnn, and Kevin are learning quickly that in Kenya meals last a minimum of 3 hours with rich conversation and hearty laughs!
We Made It!
June 26, 2011
Blast Off!
Today is the day! Farewell Boston! Hello Nairobi! Even though the last couple of months have been especially full with plans and preparations for this journey, it feels completely surreal that the day is really here!
Terri and Danielle can’t wait to see dear friends at the Kilimani Primary once again and for Ellen, JoAnn, and Kevin to meet them all “face to face”. Furthermore, in a few short days, we will also be welcomed back by the Kisonko clan of Maasai people and visit their village on the Selenkey Conservancy. They will help us to study and understand the ways of life they have adopted to maintain the integrity of their land, such as fresh water projects, in the very precarious ecosystem in which they live (foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro).
We will venture on from there to the heart of the Maasai Mara where we will investigate and learn about how non-indigenous plant species are impacting the Great Migration and what efforts are being done to combat these noxious weeds.
So please stay tuned to see what adventures are in store! And as we begin our journey, which is the meaning of the Swahili word “safari”, we want to thank you for supporting us in a very successful first year of the Virtual Information Project. We’d especially like to say a special thanks to…
- Fund for Teachers for funding Ellen and JoAnn to participate in V.I.P. 2 – The Legacy and for believing in this project
- BPS Superintendent Johnson, BPS Senior Coordinator for International Programs Bethany Wood, BPS Office of Instruction Technology, and members of the Henderson School community who supported us and our students this year by purchasing African Animal Adaptation books
- All Silent Auction bidders and winners who purchased African relics and supported V.I.P. at the International Festival
- The dozens of letters, well wishes, prayers, and financial donations from our many friends and family members who contributed to our support letter campaign
- The Henderson School students and families who contributed $1,964 in spare change during our “Coins for Kenya” drive
- The Henderson School students and families who donated books to start a school library for the Kilimani School. Because of you, we will bring 300 lbs. of books with us today!
- The Lelievre family for the donation of 4 laptop computers, a video camera, and much needed computer hardware for the continuation and growth of VIP at the Kilimani School.
- All of our students who enthusiastically participated in the first successful year of the V.I.P. at the Henderson and Kilimani Schools.
- Our principal Mrs. Lampron, our School Site Council, Kilimani’s leadership team Mr. Benson Migwi and Ms. Nancy N’gotwa, and the Nairobi City Council who have “put their seal of approval” and allowed the V.I.P. partnership to flourish and take shape.
It has been a wonderful first year of the V.I.P.! Let’s see what great things are ahead!
Enjoy photos of 5th grade Coin Drive Winners, Room 7 students. Also, Terri & Danielle changing in the change!! :-)